This piece is 14”h x 14”w (16”w with the base). The labyrinth itself if made from 1/4” square steel and the frame is1/2” square steel. The path of the labyrinth moves continuously from the opening at the bottom to the center of themaze. The intricacy of this design requires the full weight of the labyrinth to be carried by many of the individualcomponents. After the joint welds were completed, with the piece lying horizontally, the labyrinth was fixed in itsvertical position and each load bearing element heated to a lo-red and re-bent to compensate for the load. The entirelabyrinth was then heated and quenched in oil.
This piece is 14”h x 14”w (16”w with the base). Thelabyrinth itself if made from 1/4” square steel and theframe is 1/2” square steel. The path of the labyrinthmoves continuously from the opening at the bottom tothe center of the maze. The intricacy of this designrequires the full weight of the labyrinth to be carried bymany of the individual components. After the joint weldswere completed, with the piece lying horizontally, thelabyrinth was fixed in its vertical position and each loadbearing element heated to a lo-red and re-bent tocompensate for the load. The entire labyrinth was thenheated and quenched in oil.